
Our Focus

The Telecom companies increasingly see challenges as digitsation has changed the entire Telecom landscape. There has been huge reduction in revenues from traditional voice and landlines in favour of data driven technologies.This also gives the Industry immense opportunity to reposition themselves in Digital technologies.

1. Analytics: The Customer behavior, Network design, Marketing spend,Customer Behaviour analysis, all these can be done via analytics and will really help the Telecom companies to focus on the most important ways to target the Customer or to spend money in the right way.

2. Multi source/channels: The Customer now a days have a digital presence and he needs to be approached via various mediums, including social platforms.The positive sentiment is a sum of all the experiences the Customer gets from a variety of platforms.

3. More spending on technologies, less on maintaining them: With the advent of Cloud and SAAS based products, companies should strive to cut short their workforce on infrastrcuture management.

Our Services


This helps companies dig deep into consumer behaviour and spend judiciously and effectively

UX Modernisation

Companies can spend on look and feel of various media like portals, mobile apps.

CRM and ERP on cloud

Cutting down on infra management and leveraging the latest in cloud.

Application development and Maintenance

Cutting down on workforce: Call centres can be replaced with online agents or chat bots.